
  • 8 years ago
Jesse Norris 750 WR squat en route to 2015 12/13/14 USAPL Idaho state bw 196.8.
If youre 22, built like a classical Greek statue, able to deadlift over 800 lbs at 220 lbs raw, are already a two time IPF world champ in single ply gear, maybe, just .
Jesse Norris squats 700 lbs for 3 reps in just a belt 2 weeks out from the USAPL Idaho State Open where he will try to total 2000 lbs at 198 lbs raw. Jesse says .
2015 USAPL Raw Nationals 332.5 kg Squat at 93 kg weight class (his bodyweight was just under 200 lbs). Close call but regardless one of the most amazing .
