Scratch21 - Strangers [PMV Animation]

  • il y a 8 ans
Download: \r
Bandcamp - \r
iTunes - \r
Written and performed by Scratch21\r
Female vocals performed by Eileen Montgomery\r
Well, Ive done it. I suppose this took longer than expected, probably cause, in the long shot, I didnt want to rush it and I didnt want to force myself to animate. I guess I just took my time on it. And yeah, there were some mistakes that I just didnt feel like fixing, like Buttons hat not appearing in some of the photos. This kind of stuff I just forgot about and didnt want to fix because I dead-lined this animation to come out by the end of the month. But hopefully that junk wont take away from your watching experience. \r
Anyways, enjoy the animation I slaved for days over! :D\r
On EqD!!: \r
Ranked #3 on Top Ten Pony Videos of April 2015: \r
**For those who are asking for a sequel, I dont make these songs, I have to wait for an appropriate song to come out by the appropriate artist first, Ill also need to give myself a motivation shot to go out and make another one of these.\r
**For those complaining about Sweetie Belles hair, I didnt know that there was a fanon type of hair for her adult figure, Im sorry that I didnt think of using it and Im also sorry that I wasnt aware of it. But, the video is out now, so there is really nothing I can do about it at this point.\r
**For those complaining that Sweetie Belles cutiemark is wrong, just to inform you, that this fan animation was made BEFORE the episode revealing their cutiemarks was released. I could easily go and change it, but reuploading it just to make a cutiemark correct isnt worth losing all the views Ive gathered up on this video.\r
Holy Credits:\r
Music: Strangers by Scratch21 (Feat. EileMonty): \r
Town Center Night: \r
Raritys Boutique Outside: \r
Town Center Day: \r
Bandage: \r
Living Room: \r
Bed Room: \r
Picture Frame Background: \r
Buttons Hat: .\r
Buttons Cutie Mark: \r
Moon: \r
Picture Frame: .\r
Raritys Room: \r
Sweetie Belle Cutie Mark: .\r
Horseshoe: \r
Flower: \r
Boutique 1: \r
Boutique 2: \r
Ponyville Park: \r
Living Room 2: \r
Raritys Kitchen: \r
Sweetie Belle Rig and Hair: \r
Button Mash Rig and Hair: \r
Stallion Base: \r
Mare Base:
