Rug Doctor Mighty Pro - Cleaning Demo

  • 8 years ago
Carpet is a very popular flooring in modern day homes. They provide a warm and welcoming feeling, they are soft on your feet and give the room a cozy feel. For this reason carpets are commonly found in bedrooms, hallways, dens and other spaces where families gather. Even homes that have converted living space to hardwoods, often area rugs are used to add warmth to the room.
The biggest challenge with carpets is that they collect dirt and debris. Though they hide dirt well, they collect dirt and dust daily. Vacuuming gets lose dirt out of carpet, but dirt that gets down in the carpet fibers but be more thoroughly cleaned. Since hiring a professional to come clean your carpets twice a year can get expensive, home carpet steamers have become a popular option, especially for those with your children and pets.
Your pets are like family members but they can be very hard on carpets. The carry around all of the dirt that sticks to their paws when outside, they shed and leave hair everywhere, and this hair and dirt finds their way deep into your carpets resulting in a matted and dingy look. Keeping pet stains and odors at bay will help your carpets to remain fresh and looking new longer.