The Guide Life with Brad Fry

  • 8 years ago
The Guide Life TV series is an adventure based big game hunting program created by long time Professional hunting guide, Brad Fry. Armed with 2 camera's, a tripod and a backpack, Brad captivates the viewer with his unique ability to "tell it like it is", with stunning footage to back it up. Now, we've all wondered at one time or another what it would be like to hunt for a must be awesome right Well, The Guide Life may not always be a bed of roses There's constant weather to deal with, bugs, raging rivers, lack of sleep, lack of food, ornery horses, ornery clients, bad shots, bad attitudes, bad camps and the list goes on. With Brad's broad experience, down to earth attitude and stellar footage, the audience will get an honest, raw look into the life of a professional guide and at the beauty in which North America's wildlife life live and the effort it takes to get close to them.
