The two Democratic parties fight to a draw in Iowa
  • 8 years ago
Two Democratic parties showed up to vote in Iowa on Monday night, and with nearly all of the delegates tallied, the result is essentially a tie.
Entrance polling showed the Democratic party of Bernie Sanders is younger (he earned about six times as much support as Clinton from those under 30), more liberal (he got 6 in 10 of the vote from those who called themselves “very liberal”) and slightly more male, according to preliminary entrance polls.
The Democratic party of Hillary Clinton is older (about 7 in 10 of those over 65 backed Clinton), wealthier (only 4 in 10 of those making more than $100,000 a year backed Sanders) more moderate and more female.
Their motivations were different.
Sanders voters wanted honesty and empathy.
Clinton voters wanted experience and the ability to win in November.