Angels and Airwaves The Dream Walker Paralyzed
  • 8 yıl önce
My review of Angels and Airwaves new track Paralyzed from their upcoming album the Dreamwalker (Poet) The woldpack is their first single.
Track Review 3.5/5
So I just want to do a quick review of the new I dunno if its a leak track or whether it got released, but its a new track from Angels and Airwaves new album Poet, which is supposedly due out on Halloween. Theres a new song called Paralyzed that got released online. I am not sure if it is a single or a random track off the album. But its kind of interesting because it got announced for halloween, which is due in 28 days. But basically Angels and Airwaves havent said anything really about the album. But its good weve seen a track come out so maybe it is due at the end of October instead of being delayed. So I listened to the track a bunch of times. Upon first hearing it, youre created by this pattern on the ride cymbal and youre like wow it doesnt really sound like Angels and Airwaves. It doesnt even sound like Blink and then theres this great bass line and then it explodes into that Angels and Airwaves weve come to know over the years. In fact the song of the most part reminds me of Blinks last full album Neighbourhoods. Theres elements of Ghost on the Dance Floor, Snake Charmer and After Midnight. The only thing is that Toms vocals do seem a bit low and there is a lot of distortion on it too, but it still feels like it has an Angels and Airwaves sound so I am really interested to know what the full album will sound like when it will be released . I will have a full review of the album when it is released. So you might be able to find the song online, it is hard to find online.