git r done meaning and pronunciation

  • 8 years ago
the modern use of git r done was developed in the early 90's by hard working white males who reached a point in their life where they wanted to actually accomplish something in life... instead of getting completely hammered and rebuilding transmissions, the started doing projects that really mattered - projects like fixing the mailbox, cleaning the house, possibly even taking a few loads to the dump. This sudden surge of progress made these men feel good, like they were doing something. So, they had to have a way in their simple minds to reaffirm that feeling of getting something done. Thus, "GITRDONE!" was born. This can be said before a task is completed to motivate them, or after a task is completed to celebrate. It is also used profusely during the process of completing a task for no apparent reason which is very obnoxious and ambient. Often used with a drawn out "Woooooo!" yelling before or after. GITRDONE!

git r done definition by Urban Dictionary
