鹿と戯れる! 奈良公園 外国人観光客 Deer in Nara Park かわいい動物 Funy Cute animals

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鹿と戯れる! 奈良公園 外国人観光客 夏① Deer in Nara Park
鹿と戯れる! 奈良公園 外国人観光客 夏② Deer in Nara Park

カメラ:CANON Ivis M52
聖武天皇の発願で天平17年(745年)に制作が開始され、天平勝宝4年(752年)­に開眼供養会(かいげんくようえ、魂入れの儀式)が行われた。その後、中世、近世に焼­損したため大部分が補作されており、当初に制作された部分で現在まで残るのはごく一部­である。 「銅造盧舎那仏坐像」の名で彫刻部門の国宝に指定されている。
正式には大仏は「盧舎那仏坐像」、大仏殿は「金堂」というが、本項では以下「大仏」、­「大仏殿」とする。また、文中の( )の年はユリウス暦、月日は全て和暦、宣明暦の長暦による。
Naras premier attraction is Todaiji Temple and its Daibutsu (Great Buddha). When Emperor Shomu ordered construction of both the temple and Diabutsu back in the mid-700s, he intended to make Todaiji the headquarters of all Buddhist temples in the land. As part of his lanes for a Buddhist utopia, he commissioned work for this huge bronze statue of Buddha; it took eight casting to compete this remarkable work of art, which remains the largest bronze statue of Buddha in Japan. At a height of more than feet, the Daibutsu is made 427 tons of bronze. However, thanks t o Japans frequent natural calamities, the Buddha of today isnt quite what it used to be.
The wooden structure housing the Great Buddha, called Daibutsuden, was destroyed several times through the centuries; the present structure dates from 1709. Its the largest wooden structure in the world but is only two-thirds its original size.
Behind the statue, is a huge wooden column with a small hole as the same size as Buddhas nostrils. in it near the ground. According to popular belief, if you can manage to crawl through this opening, youll be sure to reach enlightenment.
