Marvel vs DC Villains battle 1

  • 8 years ago
Inspired by Manwhoo's own Disney vs Non-Disney Villains, I decided to make my own villains vs villains series, with the villains of Marvel and DC film and animation duking it out.
Battle 1:
General Zod vs Loki:
As Zod prepares his world engines to terraform Earth, a strange beam shoots out from the generators, much to Zod's shock, forming a portal and revealing a man with a staff as it fades out. The man is Loki, God of Mischeif, who has observed Zod's workings and plans to offer him a deal to help him take over Earth and Asgard, but Zod is not willing to play Loki's game.
Bullseye vs Deadshot:
A criminal named Oswald Copplepot is expanding his power in the Underworld, killing off the competition and all that stand in his way, which gets the attention and rage of the Kingpin Wilson Fisk, who hires the assassin named Bullseye to take care of Copplepot before he becomes a big threat to Fisk. Bullseye is on his way to kill Copplepot, but little did he know that Copplepot was prepared, and hired another assassin named Deadshot to defeat Bullseye while Copplepot makes his escape.
Joker vs Green Goblin:
A robbery happens at the city bank, and as a result, Oscorp's finances have all been taken. Founder Norman Osborn hears of this, when he and his board are visited by the makeup wearing whackjob who performed the heist: The Joker. The Joker offers the board of Oscorp a deal: They will supply the Joker with weapons to wreack havoc in the city, and in return, he'll give them their money back, but Norman Osborn is not in agreement with this clown, and decides that it is the perfect time to test out his new performance enhancers to help him combat this new threat.
Red Skull vs Ra's Al-Ghul:
HYDRA learns of an order in the Himalayan mountains called the League of Shadows, which Johann Schmidt looks to either ally or destroy them. Schmidt arrives at the monastary of the League of Shadows, where he proposes to leader Ra's Al-Ghul to ally with HYDRA and help them conquer the world, but Ra's is reluctant to join, and proceeds to show Schmidt what he does to those who intrude into the League of Shadows. However, Schmidt has a helicarrier overhead which is ordered to strike on the monastary on his mark, and as it does, he reveals to Ra's his true face.
Zoom vs Electro:
Looking for more super powered individuals to kill the Flash for him, Zoom finds the electrical being named Electro, and tells him that he will be sent across dimensions to combat Zoom's foes. Electro is resistant, and tries to destroy Zoom, but Zoom proves to be too fast for Electro.
Well, there you go, guys. I hope you enjoy this, and there will be more Marvel vs DC villains videos in the weeks to come. All content belongs to Marvel and DC respectively. I own nothing.
