Jimmy Fallon Injures Hand AGAIN: Booze to Blame?

  • 9 years ago
While being honored by the editors of the Harvard Lampoon on Friday night, Jimmy Fallon tripped while holding a bottle of Jagermeister, badly injuring his right hand.
Fallon was treated at Massachusetts General Hospital, but returned to the party shortly thereafter. "
[The accident] was all part of the celebration in the street and some random girl kneeled down in front of him abruptly as he was turning around and he tripped over her because he didn't see her," one attendee told People.
Naturally, Fallon's string of injuries has led to speculation that he's partying too hard in his downtime.
But every time Jimmy suffers an injury, the rumblings on social media about his penchant for heavy drinking and dangerous behavior grow louder.
