Twoja lalka Sour Sweet jest zdeterminowana, aby wygrać Friendship Games i zamierza to zrobić w dobrym stylu, wykorzystując swoje umiejętności pracy w zespole. Jej strój jest tak szalony jak ona, a dodatkowo posiada wszelkiego rodzaju akcesoria, które pozwolą jej zostać najbardziej przyjacielskim uczestnikiem zawodów. Dołącz do gry z Sour Sweet i weź udział w niezapomnianych przygodach z przyjaźnią.
lalka - Sour Sweet,
Zabawka przeznaczona dla dzieci od 5 roku życia.
Equestria Girls Sour Sweet doll
Doll comes with unique outfit and shoes
Includes fun, fashionable accessories
Your Sour Sweet doll is bound and determined to win the Friendship Games, and she's going to do it with style, sass, and excellent form! Her outfit is as wild as she is and she comes with all kinds of accessories to make her the friendliest competitor around. Team up with your Sour Sweet doll for the best friendship adventures ever! My Little Pony and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.
lalka - Sour Sweet,
Zabawka przeznaczona dla dzieci od 5 roku życia.
Equestria Girls Sour Sweet doll
Doll comes with unique outfit and shoes
Includes fun, fashionable accessories
Your Sour Sweet doll is bound and determined to win the Friendship Games, and she's going to do it with style, sass, and excellent form! Her outfit is as wild as she is and she comes with all kinds of accessories to make her the friendliest competitor around. Team up with your Sour Sweet doll for the best friendship adventures ever! My Little Pony and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.