Pharrell Williams to Face Down BDS in Cape Town

  • 9 years ago
Grammy award-winning American musician Pharrell Williams will face down a protest by thousands of anti-Israel activists at a concert in Cape Town on Monday, organizers of the demonstration said.
Members of the Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions movement that seeks to harm Israel economically are campaigning against the singer's partnership with major South African retail group Woolworths, over its imports from Israel.
BDS has attacked Woolworths, saying it imports Israeli agricultural produce from Judea and Samaria - regions where Israel's presence is completely legal under international law as determined in the 2012 Levy Report .
Woolworths has responded to the BDS movement, saying less than 0.1% of its food products are sourced from Israel, and the imports comply fully with South African government guidelines, meaning they don't come from Judea and Samaria.
