The new''themag100proof''(Special Episode for Sandra Bland)

  • 9 years ago
The death of Sandra Bland is very disturbing.In so many ways.Has the judicial system turned into a chain to commit murder by covering it up by anyway possible.when a woman is placed on suicide watch should there be anyway that she should able to commit suicide, unless God takes her breathe or she chokes on her own spit or vomit.

Do you feel safe around cops even for being pulled over for a traffic violation.Because that's how it all started something as simple as an traffic violation. while in the hands of those that you tell your children that they are the good guys .now a Black American woman is dead ..Should the black woman fear for her life as much as the black man in the united states of america.Because we wasn't born in African .we were born in America so this is home as we know it.
