"Ball is in Athens' court" says Germany following Greek vote

  • 9 years ago
As supporters of the “No” vote gathered in central Athens in celebration, reaction came in from Greece’s eurozone partners, in particular Germany .

While one senior conservative said Greece’s Prime Minister had caused a “disaster”, the country’s Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier,was more resigned::

“We have to accept such a result of a referendum in which the Greek people participated in a large number. Decisions now have to be taken in Greece and the ball is in Athens’ court.”

European Parliament President Martin Schultz explained the repercussions as he saw them.

“Because I believe that the Greek people will be during the week in even a more difficult situation I think we should tomorrow at the latest on Tuesday in the eurozone summit discuss about a humanitarian aid programme for Greece. Ordinary citizens, pensioners, sick people or children in the kindergarden should not pay a price for the dramatic situation in which the country and the government brought the co
