Skin Strategies for Men – Keep Your #Skin #Healthy
  • 9 years ago
Skin Strategies for Men – Keep Your Skin Healthy

Keeping your skin healthy and taking care of your skin means it will look younger longer, and that can be essential for your career (and dating) prospects. Shaving will be easier, skin less chafed and inflamed, and you’ll encounter less ingrown hairs, as well. Having less breakouts, dry spots, and oily regions makes you look more appealing. Feeling better about yourself that you looking great, there is nothing wrong (or unmanly) with looking better.


The greater part of the benefits above can be attained with simply a couple of products. A man should take care of his skin health and his routine should look like this:

You need to use a gentle liquid cleanser

Utilize an exfoliant, yet not a scrub as these attack skin bringing on inflammation and irritation while shaving is a lot of exfoliation for any face.

Use a product that contains beta hydroxy acid (BHA). This removes pore-clogging, old-looking skin and it also has some properties to suppress the redness.

A sunscreen with SPF 20 or more prominent for daytime and (if necessary) a cream for utilization during the evening.

On the off chance that if you got pimples, a product containing benzoyl peroxide is good to use for the inflammation.

Never use those products containing components which can cause irritation, for example, liquor, menthol, peppermint, or an excess of fragrance (either synthetic or natural). Sadly most men’s products contain irritants, so be very careful while choosing any product for your skin.

These are the basic steps that will lead you to healthier, and yes, younger looking skin!