Eve Ensler Offers Ways to Help Battered Women of Congo

  • 9 years ago
Eve Ensler Offers Ways to Help Battered Women of Congo
World Affairs Council: Nor Cal - World Affairs Council of Northern California
Since 1996, sexual violence against women and girls in Eastern DRC has been used as a weapon of war to torture, humiliate and destroy not only women and girls, but entire families and communities.Hundreds of thousands of women and girls have been raped due to conflict in the region. The V-Day movement and UNICEF (in partnership with UN Action Against Sexual Violence in Conflict) are engaged in a global campaign to bring much needed attention to the needs of Congolese women and girls.On the ground, women survivors are coming together and breaking the silence. Dr. Mukwege and Ms. Ensler speak about violence against women, the efforts underway to end it, and their work toward supporting a new wave of women leaders in the region.They discuss what it takes to economically and socially empower women and girls so that they can become leaders in rebuilding their country.