10 Celebrities You Won't Believe Are Over 40

  • 10 years ago
Here are 10 Hollywood celebrities who are surprisingly over the age of 40.

Be it by clean living, the generous application of miracle creams, or the luck of the genes, some people manage to beat back the hands of time.

Here are 10 Hollywood celebrities who are surprisingly over the age of 40.

Number 10. Gabrielle Union. The actress first appeared on the Hollywood radar in 1993 when she was just a tiny smidge over the age of 20. If you’ve done the math in your head several times because you just can’t believe it, you can stop. She is indeed now 41 years old.

Number 9. Alyssa Milano. She started off as a child actor and many have watched her grow up, yet not age, over the years. What’s 41-year-old Milano’s secret to staying so youthful? She hasn’t divulged all of them, but protecting herself against the sun’s rays is one she mentions often.

Number 8. Jared Leto. Perhaps it’s his lush locks or possibly even his boyish charm, but most would never guess that the actor is 42. Credit what you’d like, but Leto himself says it’s the result of abstinence from alcohol, keeping with a vegan diet, and doing yoga regularly.

Number 7. Gwen Stefani. The 45-year-old singer, clothing designer, and fashion icon doesn’t believe that, within reason, there’s such a thing as dressing for your age. She feels people should instead embrace who they are and wear what they feel.

Number 6. Jennifer Lopez. Some believe that the actress and singer, who turned 45 in July, may in fact be aging backwards. To put the theory to the test, People Magazine created a quiz game that challenges players to correctly pick which of two pictures features the younger Lopez. In truth, it’s pretty hard.

Number 5. Jim Parsons. His character on The Big Bang Theory is a science genius, and that may be true of Parsons himself. Other than that he’s stumbled upon some time manipulating means, there isn’t much explanation for how he could possibly be 40.

Number 4. Kristen Wiig. They say laughter is the best medicine, but apparently it’s not a bad anti-aging treatment either. This very funny performer is 40 years old.

Number 3. Shannon Elizabeth. Clearly the 41-year-old actress has picked up a bevy of beauty tricks, tips, and advice throughout her career. While her fashion sense was called into question on ‘What Not To Wear’, there’s no denying that Elizabeth is well aware of how to fight time.

Number 2. Sarah Silverman. Age doesn’t appear to affect the comedian physically, but it does cause her concern in other ways. Following a landslide of comments about her years, Silverman sarcastically – and hilariously - tweeted, "Oh my gosh I'm embarrassed. I just found out I'm a woman AND I'm 42. I am so sorry."

Number 1. Jack McBrayer. The actor, famous for his role as Kenneth the page on ’30 Rock’, is 41. Perhaps he’s still channeling his character’s talent for emanating an age-ambiguous aura.

Which celebrity’s age do you find the most surprising?
