Stubborn Politics [Full Film]

  • 10 years ago
O.K here you have it!, the full version of “Stubborn Politics”. I’ll give this an 8 out of 10 -- next time I’ll be going for a 10 out of 10 lol. If you watch to the end you’d also see a feature of the artist and track that would be in my next and future project of this same very kind. It’s obviously going to be yet again challenging especially so considering the kind of content I have for it that you would see later, but just like all the rest, it’ll be fun creating! :P. But, hahaa vladimir putin wielding the stubborn political fishing rod of barracuda warfare in defiance of planet powers, plus the big sounds of busy signal? --- categorically terrorizing! :D. You just can’t compete! lol.

Some things to note; is that this presentation although it’s titled “Stubborn Politics” is in no way shape or from a “political statement” of any kind or anything of that nature and it is absolutely not to be taken seriously. I maintain respect for the presidents you see in the video(obviously that extends in general too) as well as have respect for all other countries (it doesn’t matter what those countries are) nations , and aswell as the artist and all of the content featured in my videos as well. I mainly make these videos out of fun an entertainment, no profit or vile things crossed my mind at all and that’s how they should be viewed and that’s how they will stay.

So that said, enjoy and look out for my next similar presentation that for sure you don’t want to miss :D.
