Bollywood Celebs At Manish Malhotra Summ Affair At LFW 2014

  • 10 years ago
'A Summer Affair', an aptly titled soft, feminine and romantic collection by Manish Malhotra, was showcased at the opening of Lakme Fashion Week SR 2014, on 11th March at 9:30 pm at the Grand Hyatt.

There was a standing ovation as Sonakshi Sinha walked the ramp for Manish Malhotra in a mid-night blue ensemble. The front row of a completely packed show included personalities like Kangana Ranaut, Kajol Devgan with sister Tanisha Mukherjee, Sonali Bendre, Urmila Matondkar, Ameesha Patel, Zarine Khan and Zayed Khan, Lisa Haydon, Sophie Ch0udry, Esha Gupta, Richa Chaddha, Swara Bhaskar, Tusshar Kapoor, Punit Malhotra, Hard Kaur, Gaurav and Pratima Bhatia, Queenie Singh, Roohi Jaikishan and Natasha Poonawala to name a few.

Speaking about his collection, Manish said, "'A Summer Affair' is influenced by the romanticism that exists in today's day and age... where layers and boundaries are surpassed... the young in love are distracted and are expressing their individuality. Summer 2014 for me is about the feelings and emotions this modern day romance evokes".

Creating a stirring affair between hues of pink, powder blue, beige and ivory along with navy and grey, this summer it is all about print on print, embroidery on embroidery and tone on tone -- threads mixed with metal and mirror add an inspired edginess. Modern day romance is about ease and comfort, about shedding and then creating new identities and this collection portrayed just that. Utility became a statement accessory with visible zip saris and summer skirt lehengas with pockets. Dress-styled kurtas and easy slim pants gave the collection a fashion forward edge.
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