Coffee May Help Prevent Ringing Ears

  • 10 years ago
A study out of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston suggests that drinking coffee may help keep persistent ear ringing at bay.

A study by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and the University of Western Ontario suggests that drinking coffee may help keep persistent ear ringing at bay.

Not long ago doctors told patients with tinnitus, the condition associated with the buzzing, to steer clear of caffeine as it may aggravate the situation.

Recent evidence suggests it could actually significantly lower its occurrences.

Of the 65 thousand women monitored over an 18-year period, those who helped themselves to 5 cups a day were 15 percent less likely to develop tinnitus.

That was compared to those in the study who limited their daily intake to about a cup and a half.

In fact, all of the over 5 thousand cases that occurred during the duration of the research effort were among the light coffee consumption group.

Doctors aren’t sure why that is.

It’s known that caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and a direct link between it and general inner ear effects has been made.

Doctors say more information is needed to address the possibility of coffee helping ease symptoms in those already affected by tinnitus.