Shahrukh Khan SCARED To Expose Abram

  • 10 years ago
Shah Rukh Khan has never really entertained any of the mediawalas to publish a glimpse of his little one, AbRam! In fact, except for a few pictures, this protective father has always maintained his say, that he requires space and his child requires some time! But guess what? During his recent interaction with the media, SRK finally spilled out the reason on why he is not getting AbRam under the public scan! Yes! Getting candid over the issue, SRK says that it’s very strange that a child, who is not well, is being talked about even before he’s declared fully fit.. In fact, he further affirms that my wife tells me ‘It’s okay.’ You go out with him.’ But I feel awkward. I’m sure he will grow up one day and go out of the house and someone will take a picture of him. He’s very beautiful, Mashallah!” Well, I think he needs time there….so let’s leave this Daddy Jaan at peace with his kiddo na?
