Bollywood MOMENTS in Salman Khan’s Kick

  • 10 years ago
From reviving Divya Bharti's sensuous Saat Samundar Paar song to his infamous, Dabangg act, Salman Khan’s Kick has glimpsed us through a lot of fan moments from previous blockbuster films! So you think you would want to miss out on any of those? No na? So here it is peeps…..
First, it’s his Daabang play with a complete Pandeyji up there! Oh…He is too good. From umbrella to his trademark shades and moochein….well, this moment is no less than, thana mein baithe aur Pandeyji sitti!
Then, we have Salman and Mithun moving crazy on Akshay Kumar’s chartbuster, Party All Night! Oh it’s hilarious…Matching up to some creepy break dance, the duo mashes up into a whole new genre of dance, and again, we Love it!
And lastly, we have the iconic music sensation, Saath Samunder Paar Main Tere Peeche Peeche Aa gayi! Paying an ode to late Divya Bharti, here we get to see Salman in one of his coolest of moves…aah..what a dancer!
So which Bollywood kick did you like, peeps? Open up in the comments!
