Rare Species of Baby Camel Makes First Appearance at Budapest Zoo

  • 10 years ago
A rare species of wild Bactrian Camel gave birth at the Budapest Zoo in Hungary last week.

A rare species of wild Bactrian Camel gave birth at the Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden in Hungary last week and the newborn baby has finally made its first public appearance.

The father is from a zoo located in Miskolc, Hungary, and the mother, named Iris, is an eight year old resident of the Budapest Zoo.

She belongs to a group of Bactrian camels that have been raised there in captivity for several generations, and the newborn, named Ilias, is the mother’s first offspring.

Zoltan Hanga, a spokesperson for Budapest Zoo is quoted as saying: “When he was born there were problems, the baby was looking for milk from the mother, but as this was her first baby she had no experience. Us zookeepers had to hold down the mother and gently help the baby to feed.”

The last remaining wild group has an estimated eight to nine hundred of the endangered camels living on the edge of extinction in the Gobi desert of Mongolia and China, but most of the Bactrian camels that are alive today have been domesticated and are in captivity.

The wild group in the Gobi have to have to endure extreme changes in temperature, ranging from one hundred degrees Fahrenheit in the summer to negative twenty in the winter.