Address of Mr Altaf Hussain on inauguration ceremony of Nazeer Hussain Uiversity

  • 10 years ago
Mr Altaf Hussain, founder and leader of MQM, has said that when Mian Nawaz Sharif’s government was toppled in 1999 and when he was put under arrest, General Musharraf was not even on the ground and it was others who had arrested Mr Sharif. Mr Hussain asked why only General Musharraf is being tried for breaching the constitution? Why those who were involved in aiding and abetting the coup are being spared? Is this justice? Confirming the media reports about submitting an application for his Pakistani passport, Mr Hussain further added that Pakistan was his country, still is, and will always remain his country. If his application was denied, he said, his legal team would seek justice from higher courts. He added that MQM had never demanded separation of Sindh. It simply wants justice for all citizens of Sindh.

Mr Altaf Hussain said this in his address to the inaugural ceremony of Nazeer Hussain University in Karachi.

Mr Hussain added that it was a great pleasure for me to inaugurate this university that has been named after his late father, Nazeer Hussain. May Allah bless his soul (ameen). He said that he had envisioned this university decades ago and the land was obtained for this institution 25 years ago.

“Promotion of education as well as easy access to education for all has been the primary motto of MQM since the day it was founded. The reason to establish this university is part of MQM’s vision to spread education and make it accessible as well as affordable for all.”

“MQM believes in promotion of education for multiple reasons: Education enlightens human mind; education broadens human mind; education encourages co-existence and promotes harmony between humans, between religions; between countries and nations; education helps minds to remain peaceful and calm.”

“Education also promotes peace by encouraging resolution of conflicts through dialogue and negotiations. Education breeds respect for fellow human beings, their faith, their beliefs and their ethnicity and origin.”

“MQM stands for establishing peace not only in Karachi but throughout Pakistan as well as in the region and in the world. We want to establish friendly relations with Pakistan’s neighbouring countries with dignity and mutual respect. MQM believes in people-to-people contact in developing long term relations with Pakistan’s neighbours. MQM also believes in establishing strong friendly relations with neighbouring countries and the rest of the world. And we believe that promotion of education will help achieve this objective.”
