Nopal Powder Capsules (Prickly Pear) For Diabetes - The Blood Sugar Secret That You Can Brag To Your Doctor About.

  • 10 years ago

I started taking your Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules (Prickly Pear) 4 months ago. When I began, my blood sugar was as high as 350 and so I took 8 capsules a day, 2 capsules before each meal.

After two months, my blood sugar was down to just over 250 so I dropped the number of daily capsules to 3.

I continued this for another month and noticed my blood sugar went down to 155, so I dropped the number of daily capsules to 1 and it appears my blood sugar has normalized to about 130. Further results from taking your Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules (Prickly Pear) have been increased energy and sexual appetite and my skin seems to be healthier. I would recommend your Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules (Prickly Pear) for diabetes.
Mathew Williams Anchorage Alaska
