Yaiba - Ninja Gaiden Z Is Exciting!

  • 10 years ago
Lol an epic choice to make; the fat lady sings or the "nun" chuckles?? -- this video prove that the choice was clear! -- nothing but a lot of "holy heck" moments xD.

While the game does have the foundations and the roots to be a masterpiece,it not quite that as yet. My critique came because the game kind of fell short of the enormous standards that were set and put forth for this games eventuality of competition so for that reason i don't believe it's worth full price as it's lackluster in the context of a game that's supposed to be an adventure game as well as action game but there are very few adventurous missions and there is an extremely lack of depth when it comes to his journey and bosses etc -- hopefully that's worked on later but that's not to say that it's a "bad" game it's actually a very exciting game and I made this video so you can get a sense of that -- in short I love it! :D.