Kohistan Video Case Follow-Up Media Conference at SAFMA

  • 10 years ago
SAFMA (South Asian Free Media Association) arranged a Media Conference at Islamabad (Pakistan) for us after publishing my investigative story about the follow-up of Kohistan Video Case. I (Haseeb Khawaja, Journalist), including Dr. Farzana Bari (Social Worker) and Afzal Kohistani (Victim) gave briefing to print and electronic, national & international media. While giving detail about the case we claimed that girls in the Kohistan video are not alive, they have been slaughtered. We appeal to the Government and Supreme Court to reopen the case and demand for transparent and complete investigation.
For more details please watch the video.

Haseeb Khawaja {Journalist & Social Worker}
+92 (0) 333 5915176
