Americans Eating Out Less and Cutting Calories
  • 10 years ago
Waistbands rejoice – Americans are eating out less often and consuming fewer calories overall.

Waistbands rejoice – Americans are eating out less often and consuming fewer calories overall.

Between 2005 and 2010 the USDA collected data on American eating habits and calorie consumption.

Recently that report was published and the findings showed that people in the US are moving towards healthier diets.

Daily calorie consumption dropped by an average of about 80.

Also, people are getting over 125 fewer of their daily caloric total from foods eaten outside the home, including nibbles from restaurants and fast food chains.

In fact, reigning in the habit of eating out accounted for 20 percent of the diet quality improvements.

While the move towards our own kitchens and dining rooms is believed to be mostly a result of the recession, it has, many hope, managed to instill some habits that stick.

One is giving more health-focused consideration to food purchases.

More adults reported that they bought according to nutrition guidelines.

They also reported that they spent more time inspecting the nutritional information on food packages.

That data was found to be a significant influence in the purchasing decision of over 30 percent of working-age adults and 47 percent of America’s older population.