Phillips Debuts Flat LED Bulb

  • 10 years ago
Phillips recently debuted a $10 light bulb, which features a very unique pancake, flat design.

Considering the changing landscape in the lightbulb industry, the field is ripe for innovation. Phillips recently debuted a $10 light bulb, which features a very unique pancake, flat design.

Named the SlimStyle, upon first quick glace, it appears to be typical in shape, but a deeper look shows why it's unique. The unique 60 watt bulb was unveiled on but according to reports, it will be available for purchase in stores on March 1st.

Phillips hopes the lower cost of the energy efficient light will make consumers flock to their newest offering. Also helping is the Federal Energy Independence and Securities act, which just recently caused the phase out of both 40 and 60 watt incandescent light-bulbs in the US.

The SlimStyle is coated in rubber and contains LED lights on the interior of the bulb, lined up in a U or horse shoe-appearing shape. (2,3,1) Because of the flat design, the SlimStyle was able to eliminate the need for a metal heat sink, which also helped to lower the selling price.

What do you think of the SlimStyle?