Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms

  • 11 years ago
Caffeine withdrawal can last up to 9 days. We explain how this affects you and what can be done to overcome it.
You must believe that it is possible to overcome an addiction. Make a list of reasons why you want to quit and place is some where you can see it all the time. Quitting will require a significant amount of restrain and efforts but it is an achievable goal. Caffeine withdrawal symptoms can last up to two weeks and can be quite discouraging at times but gradually you will get over them. You are going to feel low on energy. Fatigue and sleepiness are also withdrawal symptoms, which you have to overcome. Substitute your cravings with green tea, fruit juices, herbal teas and lemonade. Hydrate you self as much as possible. This will boost your immune system and will help you detoxify.
