Advanced Buteyko Breathing Exercises (Trailer)

  • 11 years ago
Advanced Buteyko Breathing Exercises - Trailer

This Kindle and paperback book describes common Buteyko breathing exercises, as well as more advanced methods and techniques related to:
- safe application of the maximum pauses
- special relaxed breathing exercises for people with hypertension and panic attacks
- how to safely proceed from easy Buteyko breathing exercises to its more advanced types.
- use of visualization and imagery during Buteyko breathing exercises.
- optimum and maximum durations for Buteyko breathing exercises
- the phenomenon of overtraining due to intensive breathing exercises and maximum pauses
- the phenomenon of a lost CO2 sensitivity
- the effect of the blunted CO2 sensitivity
- detailed instructions in order to deal with overtraining and CO2 related concerns using lifestyle changes and other specific techniques
- instructions for application of Buteyko breathing exercises during physical activity.
- description and application of the "click effect" for quick progress with the CP (the body oxygen test).

For the paperback version, visit

The YouTube URL of this video is: .

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website
