New! Black Ops Zombies Secret! New Shangri La Easter Egg! - Black Ops 2 Zombies Storyline

  • 11 years ago
Do you guys have any ideas what this could mean? Comment or PM me with ideas! (:

As some of you may have seen, Jimmy Zielinski, and some of the other zombie developers at Treyarch have hinted at there being something secret with the mountains on Shangri La. I think this deals with the mountain on right off the edge of the bridge by the waterfall, because that mountain is extremely out of place and is there for a reason. its not a "Shoot X and Y happens" type secret, because it would've been found in the PC code. I think this mountain instead reveals a bigger secret, dealing with the real location of Shangri La and changing the whole story.

Credit to ThatGuyWhoCamps for his Shangri La Footage:
Credit to CoDZ for their amazing work:

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