Bill Clinton Meltsdown When Asked if he Could Have Done More to Prevent 911

  • 11 years ago
Many twisted points from BC. Clinton was not accused of being Obsessed with Bin Laden, he was accused of bombing Iraq and Afghanistan to get Monica off the headlines.

Despite the timing, speaker Newt Gingrich encouraged the President who was finally taking action on the issue of terrorism, and appealed to his fellow Republicans to get behind the President (regardless of the reasons). Clinton then bombed Bin Ladens pharmacutical factory in the Sudan because it was suspected of making WMD.

After the attack UN weapons inspectors said there was no evidence of WMD and speaker Gingrich Dismissed the Monica Missile Strikes as "pinpricks."

Regarding Somalia, G.H.W Bush sent in 50,000 troops, Clinton cut the troop number back to 5,000. After the troop reduction the Somali's then decided they wanted to fight. Colin Powell asked Clinton for armored back up in the form of Abrams tanks and Bradley armored vehicles as well as the AC-130 gunship and Clinton denied that request because he did not want the appearance of a military escalation and he referred to a Pakistani armored unit that was there as part of the UN force.

When the armor units were needed to rescue the Soldiers in the downed Blackhawk helicopter the Pakistanis refused to move because they were not really trained to fight, and many American soldiers were killed.

That is when Clinton decided to pull all US troops out of Somalia. Bin Laden saw the withdraw of the American forces and took it as a military retreat anddecided the battle had shifted to inside the US and working on the 9/11 attack.

After the bombing of the Al Shifa aspirin factory, the Sudanese offered to arrest and deport Osama Bin Laden and send him back to Saudi Arabia. The Saudis refused to accept him and Bill Clinton declined to have to arrested and brought to the US because he said there was a "lack of evidence", later he retracted that statement and said he "misspoke."

"I came closer to killing Bin Laden that anyone since," means he had him and let him escape to the vast lawless wilderness of Afghanistan. After Bin Laden relocated it would have THEN required a invasion of Afghanistan to go after him and no need for "basing rights in Uzbekistan". And even after that he simply slipped away to Pakistan. This was a major opportunity that was thrown away.

All of this could have been avoided of Clinton had simply followed through with his war on terror he took up during Monicagate and dealt with Bin laden either overtly or covertly.

Clinton had already handicapped himself by naming a man for Secretary of Defense named Les Aspin who was hand down the worst possible person for the job. Because Clinton so loathed the military he literally chose the a man in league of Barney Frank for Secretary of Defense and to advise him on military issue. I repeat, Clinton Literally chose the worst possible man for Secretary of Defense because he loathted the military.
