Nikhil Bhatnagar

Director/Creative Head,known for his Concept based Direction in Photography & Films in Fashion-Advertising Industry & under banner TNFL™ Productions.
"DIRECTOR", FilmMaker, Creative Head, a Theme Designer, known for his Concept visualizings and famously known as Celebrity Director Photography & Films in Fashion-Media-Advertising & Bollywood Industry & under his banner TNFL™ Productions as well as REDWATER MOTION REEL PICTURES & SOUNDS Pvt.Ltd.,Dubai which are the brand names in India’s Media Production-Advertisement industry since past 8 years ... See More
"DIRECTOR", FilmMaker, Creative Head, a Theme Designer, known for his Concept visualizings and famously known as Celebrity Director Photography & Films in Fashion-Media-Advertising & Bollywood Industry & under his banner TNFL™ Productions as well as REDWATER MOTION REEL PICTURES & SOUNDS Pvt.Ltd.,Dubai which are the brand names in India’s Media Production-Advertisement industry since past 8 years and with prior 14 years of vast creative experience.

His work had also been published as advertisements in Hindustan Times and Times of India, Spotless Fashion Magazine, Lens Glare Magazine, La fiesta, La more, Fasion Fusion like famous worlwide magazines...

Had always been a Face which is been tracked and followed by Shutterbugs while in Parties, Events, Fashion shows because of his Beautiful work of Direction whether its is Print shoot, TV AD, TVC, FILM or a Documentry.

Had also given his Concept design consultancy to a famous British company in the past for their editorial magazine publications.

He is currently giving Professional services for END TO END Photo shoot projects for Hoardings-Magazines, TV AD & Films productions to many clients and is behind many of programs, Movies, Print shoots Concept and Photography design visualizations with his expert concept design skills across every line of business.

Have been at the productions of many still work artifacts which made viewers say blank with the concept which he visualized.

There are currently many hoardings across Delhi/NCR,Mumbai and many parts of country which are showing his art of concepts and visualizations for either any Garment, Jewellery, Product client.

He has recieved youngest acheivers award also in year 2011 for superb talent in concept based Direction in Motion reel makings.

He and his Brand Productions is only in India which is giving HD CONCEPT BASED VIDEO INTERVIEWS / VIDEO FOLIOS to New Aspiring Models willing to enter TV CHANNELS, FILMS etc.

He’s been a superb singer in the past and Writer of poems too and had been at the back of some of his poem edition writings for some fabulous publishers which are popular amongst the youth of country for his poems being so realistic and having social touch.

Some of his named writings had been an award winning extrapolates on which some producers has made good documentaries for TV channels like sisakti ankhein, dhokha, Zameen kay sau rang, Dhuan, Soch , Makaam, Insaan, Ek shabd are some of his fantabulous writings which have made superb impact on human social psychologies.

He has been writing social alarms and poems for school children also.

He is from a challenging Banking background which he moved on to suffice his dreams to make things Big in Indian Fashion-Modeling, Television & Photography industry..

Cousin Brother of famous TV star actress Divvya Bhatnagar, which has featured in many popular TV serials and now, is a known face in Indian Television industry in many famous serials.

Has given his work of art in many bollywood movies as well.

Produced more than 5000+ Print shoots, many Video TV ADs, Music Video Albums etc.

His last Directorial Movie was "Rakt","Safar e Purani Delhi" which got released in YEAR 2013.

His upcoming Movie Projects in Bollywood will be "Shadyantra-A Conspiracy" in year 2014 Boxoffice DVD release and "SIFAR" in year 2016.

His upcoming Tv serial under projection will be related to NEW FACES LAUNCH TO FASHION & MEDIA industry - "ROAD TO FASHION FAME", on Tv channel.