Law Guru Classes

'Law Guru Ashu Gupta' is initiating and leading to provide a free guidance to all Law Students by using various online and digital mode established in 2019 by Mr. ASHU GUPTA. It remains steadfast to its commitment of becoming an online institute that sets higher standards of eminence among the Law Students. We are passionate and committed to provide the skillful knowledge of the all Law Subjects to the various students of B.A.LL.B., LL.B., LL.M. and those who are preparing for various types of Law Competitions like Judiciary, APO, PCS, CLAT, UPSC etc. through this online digital platform.

Our sole aim is to grow the knowledge worth of all the Law Students without any economic fear or to save their time consume and to enrich the skills of Law Students. We are initiating this platform with this TAG line :

With Goal, you are GOLD;
But without Goal, you are GOL.

wherein 'D' indicates 'Dedications' without which you can't convert your 'Goal' into 'Gold'. So, firstly you have to committed with it. Having this tag line, we are also highly committed to bridge the gap between the Legal Concepts / education and Law Students. And we have strong belief that we will be successful to develop and enrich the legal community through our online digital mode of providing the free legal education. We believe more in innovation rather than conventional education techniques. This ensures that we will create skilled, knowledgeable and responsible law students those may able to contribute through a humane approach, to the larger legal fraternity and the country.


BY :

Mr. ASHU GUPTA (Assistant Professor)
[LL.M., LL.B., M.A.(Political Science), M.A.(Economics), M.A.(English), B.Com.]

Mrs. SHWETA GUPTA (Assistant Professor)
[LL.M., LL.B., M.A.(Political Science), M.A.(History), M.A.(Sociology), B.A.(Psychology)]