
@FirstZoom is a Video Production Company. Through our social network contacts we bring you brighter and bolder video in higher resolution and crisper clarity about technology and events happening in Taiwan.

We use many platforms to promote our clients videos, and would encourage you to look at all our videos that interest you.

We are also always looking for talent and should you be someone interested in presenting products, interviewing people or havea creative flair with flash and CS4, then please feel free to contact us here through the many social networks will cater for worldwide Tech news agencies’ ever demanding need for first hand updated information about the latest trends and gadgets in the Technology Industry. With almost every Tech company either based or manufacturing in some part of the Far East. FirstZoom is ideally placed on the spot to capture film footage of these events as they happen. Our aim is to share the product news with our subscriber base.

Working hand in hand with the EUCC and local Universities such as the PCCU intern program, FirstZoom promotes and assists young media and multimedia enthusiasts to produce first grade content for online media. Check us out here: